On Avalanche, swap $XTC (Xitcoin) on supported DEXs, add liquidity to pools. Explore available opportunities and manage your assets efficiently through decentralized platforms.
Swap for Xitcoin ($XTC) on any token ERC-20
Select a Wallet
If you don’t have a wallet, register with a trusted provider.
If you're unsure, you can try Uniswap Wallet by Uniswap Labs
Step 1
Get AVAX (Avalanche)
You’ll need AVAX (Avalanche) to swap and cover gas fees.
If you already have it on another exchange, transfer it to your wallet.
If not, you can purchase it on Uniswap.
If you already have it on another exchange, transfer it to your wallet.
If not, you can purchase it on Uniswap.
Step 2
Swap for $XTC (Xitcoin)
Log into Uniswap and connect your wallet.
Go to “Trade” then “Swap”.
Select BNB (Binance Coin) as the Sell token.
Select $XTC (Xitcoin) as the Buy token.*
Confirm your swap.
Go to “Trade” then “Swap”.
Select BNB (Binance Coin) as the Sell token.
Select $XTC (Xitcoin) as the Buy token.*
Confirm your swap.
Step 3
Xitcoin token is not yet whitelisted on this DEX.
A request has been submitted and is pending approval.
In the meantime, you can still use the token by manually importing its official contract address: 0xDD646291D2fff52c75F27CCDAdD0D4C2A24f37Dd
Always verify details on Xitcoin.org and docs.xitcoin.org—only referenced contracts are legitimate.
Beware of unofficial links and impersonators.
The Xitcoin.org team will never ask for your wallet access or contact you first.
For any doubts or assistance, join the official Discord: https://discord.gg/xitcoin.
A request has been submitted and is pending approval.
In the meantime, you can still use the token by manually importing its official contract address: 0xDD646291D2fff52c75F27CCDAdD0D4C2A24f37Dd
Always verify details on Xitcoin.org and docs.xitcoin.org—only referenced contracts are legitimate.
Beware of unofficial links and impersonators.
The Xitcoin.org team will never ask for your wallet access or contact you first.
For any doubts or assistance, join the official Discord: https://discord.gg/xitcoin.
Liquidity Pair Avalanche & Xitcoin (WAVAX-$XTC LP)
Before You Start:
To add liquidity (V3), you must hold $XTC (Xitcoin) and AVAX (Avalanche) in your wallet.
These tokens will be paired together in the liquidity pool.
These tokens will be paired together in the liquidity pool.
Connect your wallet
Log into Uniswap and connect your wallet.
Go to “Pool”.
Click “New position” then select “New V3 position”.
Go to “Pool”.
Click “New position” then select “New V3 position”.
Step 1
Select Token Pair & Fee
In the first pair input window, select AVAX (Avalanche).
In the second window, select $XTC (Xitcoin).*
Choose a Fee Tier.
In the second window, select $XTC (Xitcoin).*
Choose a Fee Tier.
Step 2
Set Price Range & Confirm
Select full or custom range.
Click “Continue”.
In Deposit tokens, enter the amount of AVAX (Avalanche) to add to the liquidity pool. $XTC (Xitcoin) amount will auto-fill.
Click “Create” to confirm.
Click “Continue”.
In Deposit tokens, enter the amount of AVAX (Avalanche) to add to the liquidity pool. $XTC (Xitcoin) amount will auto-fill.
Click “Create” to confirm.
Step 3
What is a Liquidity Pool?
A liquidity pool allows users to deposit tokens into a smart contract, facilitating token swaps while earning a share of trading fees.
Providing liquidity creates an opportunity to earn interest from transaction fees, although it also carries risks such as impermanent loss, which can occur when token prices fluctuate.
The information provided here does not constitute investment advice.
Risk only assets that you can afford to lose.
Providing liquidity creates an opportunity to earn interest from transaction fees, although it also carries risks such as impermanent loss, which can occur when token prices fluctuate.
The information provided here does not constitute investment advice.
Risk only assets that you can afford to lose.